Aloitin gradun tänään osallistumalla ensimmäiseen seminaariin. Mutta miten tämä liittyy blogiin??
Liittyypä vaan, nimittäin graduni aiheena tulee olemaan Marilyn Monroen arki. Aineistona hyödynnän nimenomaan Marilyn-kirjoja. Tämä pakottaa minut lukemaan niitä, minkä seurauksena hieman kupsahtanut blogikin voi saada taas uutta virtaa. Ja ehkä, ehkä gradun pohjalta kirjoitan itsekin kirjan Marilynistä. Saa nähdä ;)
I started my Master's Thesis today. But what does that have to do with the blog??
Believe it or not, it does have something to do with the blog. I will write my Master's Thesis about the everyday life of Marilyn Monroe. I will be using books that have been written about her, so naturally I have to read them. This might give some new life to this withered blog of mine. And maybe, maybe I will write a Marilyn book myself. That remains to be seen ;)
(By the way, I was thinking of writing about my Master's Thesis project mostly in Finnish, because that's the language I will be writing my thesis in as well. So I thought that maybe short explanations in English are sufficient. Naturally I will continue to write the book reviews in both languages as usual.)
Video de Chris Hemsworth
En este vídeo podemos observar la participación de Chris Hemsworth para una
sesión de fotos de la revista Magazine, y a su vez aprovechando a demostrar...