Alfred Hitchcock Biography

Alfred Hitchcock Biography
Full Name: Sir Alfred Hitchcock
Date of Birth: August 13, 1899
Place of Birth: London, England
Died: April 29, 1980
Place of Death: Bel Air, California, USA
Classification: Artists & Entertainers

Known as one of the greatest movie directors of all time for his suspense-filled thriller movies, Alfred Hitchcock won several awards for his films in both Britain and in Hollywood in the United States. His films, such as North by Northwest, the Man who Knew Too Much, and Dial M for Murder and others were all critically acclaimed for their innovative film styles.

Young Alfred was born to a butcher and poultry marketer right at the end of the 19 th century. With an interest in math, he became an engineer after studying at St. Ignatius College in London and the University of London. He began designing title cards for movies and then became a writer and quickly an assistant director. One of his first films released, entitled Blackmail was a massive success in Britain and set Hitchcock apart from other directors before him.

Hitchcock then moved to Hollywood where bigger budgets meant that movie producers would be able to pay for whatever he created, and bigger names meant more of a secure future in film. His films tended to have a distinct theme behind them – an everyday person getting in over their head and having to fend for their and perhaps others’ survival. Centered on murder, espionage, and ironic humor, his films set the precedence for even modern suspense, action, and thriller films. His films Saboteur, Strangers on a Train, To Catch a Thief, and, one of his most famous, North by Northwest all hold true to his themes. Additionally, his films tend to take place is famous places, near historical monuments, and one film might require his crew to travel halfway around the world in order to get the perfect shot.

Hitchcock was also famous for his use of camera angles, montage effects, stunning editing and soundtracks that added to the intensity of the moment. He was able to peek into the human psyche, penetrate their vulnerabilities, and make filmgoers worldwide gasp in suspense. Psycho, one of his scariest and of course controversial films, introduced new methods of surprising the viewing public. For his work in film and television, Alfred Hitchcock was knighted in Britain and won the Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
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