"Film World Stunned by Death of a Queen"
"World Feels Shock About Monroe's Death"
"Marilyn Monroe's Last Hours"
"MM Was Many Things to Many People"
"Actress' Body Lies Unclaimed"
"Marilyn Speaks"
"MM's Mexican Pal is in Beverly Hills"
"Joe to Marilyn at Rites: 'I Love You'"
"Big Stars Banned at Marilyn's Funeral"
"Her Life Was a Suicide Note for All to Read"
"World Feels Shock About Monroe's Death"
"Marilyn Monroe's Last Hours"
"MM Was Many Things to Many People"
"Actress' Body Lies Unclaimed"
"Marilyn Speaks"
"MM's Mexican Pal is in Beverly Hills"
"Joe to Marilyn at Rites: 'I Love You'"
"Big Stars Banned at Marilyn's Funeral"
"Her Life Was a Suicide Note for All to Read"
I've been a fan my entire life, but unfortunately had not experienced these articles about Marilyn following her death. They have provided a completely new and different perspective on Marilyn, and how she was perceived. The world was shocked and saddened over the loss of a truly spectacular individual, and she was loved by many.
What may have struck me the most are these two cartoonist renditions, both focusing on Marilyn following her passing, the saddest being Marilyn reaching out to Hollywood for help, with a heading of "No Answer."